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Meadowdale Primary School



It was lovely to welcome the children back after half term.
This week, we have been learning about Autumn. In English, we have been writing Autumn sentences. In Maths, we have been learning about 2D shapes and their properties. We have also been revising the phonics sounds that we have already learnt e.g. /ae/, ee/, /er/ . We will be learning the /e/ sound (as in red, head) again next week.
Next week, we are going to start learning about Market Harborough. The following week Sairah Butt, who is the market manager, will be visiting us to talk about the history of the market. We will be reading a lovely book called, 'The Last Stop on Market Street.' In Maths, we will look at different patterns.
We try to make time each day for the children to change their reading books as it is so important that they read everyday. It would be really helpful if you could prompt your child to change their book as soon as they come in in the morning. Even better, if they could have the book in their hand, they could go straight through to the corridor before they take their coat off. Our home learning expectations are very regular reading with an adult, preferably daily, and learning of the tricky word spellings. Their spellings for this half term will be sent home today.