The School Day
Our school day starts at 8.50am and ends at 3.15pm (32.1 hours per week)
Arriving at school
Children in Foundation Stage and Years 1-4 must be accompanied to their classroom by a parent/carer or other adult. Children in Years 5 and 6 may walk to school unaccompanied if we have written permission from a parent/carer.
School staff will be available to take responsibility for children in classrooms from 8.50a.m. No supervision is available in the playground or on the school site before this time so if your child is walking to school unaccompanied they should not arrive before 8.40a.m.. Children who are brought to school by a parent/carer remain the responsibility of the parent/carer until they enter the classroom.
Children who are brought to school by a child care provider (e.g. childminder or nursery breakfast club) will be escorted totheir classroom door by a member of staff from the child care provider who will inform the class teacher that the child has arrived. A member of school staff must sign to confirm that the child has been received.
Children in Years 5 and 6 may walk to and from school unaccompanied provided that a consent form has been completed by a parent/carer - forms are available from class teachers and the school office.
End of the day arrangements
The following procedures have been put in place to ensure that children are safe at the end of the school day.
External providers of afterschool clubs or child care providers must sign a checklist of these procedures and ensure that they are followed.
Child is being collected by a family member or private child minder:
Parents and carers will let class teachers know who is collecting their child, this should be done ideally face-to-face with the class teacher but if this is not possible then via the school office or the class email system (at least 3 days in advance). Any changes to arrangements at short notice must be notified by telephone to the school office (01858 465479) as we cannot guarantee that emails will be seen in time.
Meadowdale staff members will release children from the classroom door. If someone else is collecting a child or they are going home with a friend, the parent or carer must inform the class teacher either face-to-face or by telephoning the school office. Parents/carers must also give the person collecting their child the security password that they have registered on our school database.
Children in Years 4 – 6 may go to a sibling’s classroom to meet an adult provided that parents and carers ensure that their class teacher is aware of this arrangement and give consent via the school permission form.
Class teachers will display a list of home time arrangements by the classroom door so that any member of staff dismissing the class will have all the information required.
Where an adult is collecting children from the classroom door members of staff will check that children are with the correct adult.
Walking home alone:
Children in Year 5 and 6 are able to walk home alone, however parents and carers must give consent via the school permission form.
Children are reminded regularly that if when they arrive home there are any issues which concern them, e.g. parent or carer not at home or lost key, they must return to school where a member of staff will assist them.
Attending an afterschool club arranged by the school:
Teachers will be given registers for afterschool clubs and will ensure that children due to attend a club are aware of this before leaving the classroom. Children in Foundation Stage – Year 3 will be escorted to the club by a member of staff who will hand them over to the club leader. In Years 4 – 6 children will make their own way to the club and the adult leading the club will take the register. Members of staff will be aware of any child with SEND who might require support to get to the club, these requirements will be written into individual support plans. If a child who is expected doesn’t arrive the leader will inform the office who will contact parents and carers.
If a child is unable to attend a club they are signed up for parents and carers must inform the school office who will inform the club leader. If a child who is due to attend an afterschool club is absent from school on the day of the club, their class teacher should send a note to the club leader to inform them of this.
At the end of the club the leader will dismiss the children from the agreed place to the agreed adult. Children walking home alone must have signed permission, this is part of the clubs application form. If a child is not collected on time the club leader should attempt to contact a parent/carer and should wait with the child until they arrive.
Attending an afterschool club arranged by an external provider:
Teachers will be given registers for afterschool clubs, provided by the club manager. Children in Foundation Stage – Year 3 will be escorted to the club by a member of staff who will hand them over to the club leader. In Years 4 – 6 children will make their own way to the club and the adult leading the club will take the register. Members of staff will be aware of any child with SEND who might require support to get to the club, these requirements will be written into individual support plans. If a child who is expected doesn’t arrive the leader will contact the school office in the first instance and then attempt to contact parents and carers. If contact is not made they will inform the office who will contact parents and carers. If parents and carers cannot be reached the school will initiate the missing child procedure.
If a child is unable to attend a club they are signed up for parents and carers must inform the club provider and/or the school office. If a child who is due to attend an afterschool club is absent from school on the day of the club, their class teacher should send a note to the club leader to inform them of this.
At the end of the club the leader will dismiss the children from the agreed place to the agreed adult. If a child is not collected on time the club leader should attempt to contact a parent/carer and should wait with the child until they arrive.
Attending Caterpillar Out of School Club (based at Meadowdale):
Caterpillar Out of School Club will supply the school with an accurate list of pupils attending their after-school provision. The school will use this list to inform class teachers. Children in Foundation Stage – Year 3 will be escorted to the school hall by an adult. In Years 4 – 6 children will make their own way to the hall where the senior member of Caterpillar OOSC staff will take the register. Members of school staff will be aware of any child with SEND who might require support to get to the club, these requirements will be written into individual support plans. If a child who is expected doesn’t arrive the senior member of Caterpillar staff will inform the school office and contact parents.
If a child is unable to attend the afterschool provision parents and carers must inform the child care provider who will inform the school. If a child who is due to attend the afterschool club is absent from school on the day of the club, their class teacher should send a note to the club leader to inform them of this.
Attending Castle Lane afterschool club:
Castle Lane Nursery will supply the school with an accurate list of pupils attending their afterschool provision. The school will use this list to inform class teachers. Children in Foundation Stage – Year 3 will be escorted to the school library by an adult. In Years 4 – 6 children will make their own way to the library where the senior member of Castle Lane staff will take the register. Members of staff will be aware of any child with SEND who might require support to get to the club, these requirements will be written into individual support plans.
If a child who is expected doesn’t arrive the senior member of Castle Lane staff will inform the school office and contact parents.
If a child is unable to attend the afterschool provision parents and carers must inform the child care provider who will inform the school. If a child who is due to attend the afterschool club is absent from school on the day of the club, their class teacher should send a note to the club leader to inform them of this.