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Meadowdale Primary School



Many thanks to you all for helping your children to start learning their words for our nativity which is only two weeks away now. We have started to learn the songs and next week we will be practising the songs, words and staging. If your child has a speaking part, please could you help them project their voice and speak clearly and slowly.
In English, the children have been writing descriptive sentences linked to The Magic Train Ride. We have been impressed with the children as they begin to develop their writing stamina and write a series of sentences.
In maths, we will be learning how to subtract within 20, using strategies such as number lines, drawing representations and counting backwards.
In phonics, we will be continuing to consolidate our learning about the /ue/ sound and then moving on to the /igh/ sound. The spellings for this are: igh, i, ie, i-e and y.
Some children are now reading orange and turquoise book band books. These are longer reads and we would not expect the children to read a whole book in a night. Please reassure your child that it is OK to change these a couple of times a night. we will do the same at school. However, we would love them to continue to read for 10 minutes each day. We are still having a few children who are not changing their books regularly.