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Meadowdale Primary School



We have had a really busy week settling back into school after the half term break. The children all came back refreshed and have worked hard all week!
Our English work has involved looking at autumn poetry - we have read poems together and have considered the pace and rhythm needed to read a poem effectively. We have explored vocabulary relating to autumn and have planned and written our own poems.
In maths, we have continued our work on bar models and have been writing down the four number sentences that we can generate from these. We have introduced the children to the concept of addition being the inverse of subtraction and we will continue looking at this during future maths lessons.
In phonics lessons we have been looking at how to spell words with the dge/ge/j/g. We have also introduced the children to the term suffix and are starting to consider how to add ed onto the end of verbs to put them into the past tense.
Next Week
We will be starting our work on Remembrance and have a trip to Harborough Museum planned. Juniper class will be walking to the Museum on the morning of Friday 1st November for a workshop and will then visit the memorial garden before walking back to school. The children will be back at school at lunchtime.
Beech class will be visiting the museum on the morning of Tuesday 5th November.
All children will need a coat and sensible shoes - we will be walking whatever the weather!
We will not be charging the children for this visit 😊