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Meadowdale Primary School



This week we have completed our materials topic by learning about John Dunlop and his invention of the pneumatic tyre. We have read some information about him and have found out some interesting facts.
In English we have been looking at and writing question sentences, making sure that we use the correct punctuation.
In maths we have introduced the children to bar models which are very similar the part part whole models that they learnt about in Year 1. They have been finding numbers to add together to make a total and have also started to consider what the inverse would be.
Next week we will teaching the children how to write an exclamation sentence. This is a sentence that starts withwhat or how and ends with a verb. For example - How cold it is today!
We will also be writing a story relating to a short film clip that we will be watching. We are hoping that the children will include everything that we have been learning about so far including correct punctuation, carefully thought out spelling, question sentences and exciting vocabulary.
On Tuesday we will be looking at leaves in Art - if possible please could your child bring a small selection of leaves for us to look at?