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Meadowdale Primary School



The children have really enjoyed their learning this week. At the start of the week we did some of our termly tests with the children to assess how they are getting on with their reading, maths, grammar, punctuation and vocabulary. These termly tests help us see how the children are progressing with their learning and guide us with our planning.

In maths, we have been learning about place value in numbers up to 100. A really worthwhile activity to do at home is to ask your child to write the numbers from 1 to 100 on a 10 by 10 number square. If they are fairly confident with this, ask them to try and beat their time score!

In phonics, we have been learning the different ways to spell the /air/ sound spelt air, eir, ere, are and ear. Next week, we will be learning abou the /ue/ sound spelt ue, ew, u, u-e.

In English, we have been using a pictorial story map to write a story about a welsh dragon with a focus on the use of adjectives e.g. small, green, conjunctions e.g. 'and' and 'but' and time adverbials e.g. after that, next and then.

Next week, we are excited about celebrating World Book Day. All week in our English lessons we will be reading non-fiction books with a focus on a lovely book about dogs written by one of our parents, Gemma Barder. On Thursday, Gemma will be talking to all of our children about how she writes her books. The children are welcome to choose one accessory or item of clothing to represent their favourite animal along with the rest of their uniform on the day (e.g. socks, tights, hat, headband or you can make a mask at home if you don't have anything suitable). The Scholastic Book Fair will be open daily after school between Wednesday 4th March and Monday 9th March. The children are very welcome to use their World book Day tokens towards the purchase of their chosen book.

As ever, please keep reading at home and remind your child in the morning of they need to change their reading book.