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Meadowdale Primary School



We've had a busy week in Year 2! We've been continuing our work on the Great Fire of London and exploring the question of "Why did the Great Fire of London spread so quickly?" as well as the question "How did they try to put out the Great Fire of London?" We have been looking at fire hooks, leather buckets and water squirters to help put out the fire. The children have been doing some fantastic pieces of writing. We have also had great fun writing our own version of the nursery rhyme London's burning. The children performed these to each other and have written these up for display.
We have been investigating division this week in Maths. The children have been getting on really well with this and have been using methods of sharing and grouping to aid them with their division.
Next week, we are continuing our Great Fire of London work and writing a letter to Charles II to help him rebuild London. We will continue with drawing our Tudor houses next week. We will also be reinforcing the division work we have done this week.
We are really looking forward to seeing you all next week at Parents' Evening. The children's reports have gone home with them tonight. Please could you have a read of these before Parents' Evening next week.