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Meadowdale Primary School



Last week we started our learning about World War 1 and Remembrance. We have been reading the story "Where The Poppies Now Grow," and have considered the feelings of the characters throughout their journey from being boys, to fighting in the war and then as old men. We will also be using this story as the basis of our written work this week.


In phonics we have been learning about the past and present tense and have been spelling words with the ed and ing suffix.

In maths we have been adding and subtracting a tens number from a 2 digit number.


Juniper class enjoyed their visit to the museum and the memorial garden today. Beech class will be going on Tuesday morning, so please remember sensible shoes and coats!


As well as continuing with our class book next week, we will be thinking about how to write a diary from the point of view of one of the characters. We will be finding out about life in the trenches and will try and use some of these ideas in our writing. We will also be learning how to include the subordination conjunctions when and because in our writing.


We will continue our work on addition and subtraction in maths.