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Meadowdale Primary School



This week we have started to learn about Neil Armstrong and why he is famous. The children have been finding out about the sequence of events from when Apollo 11 took off on its mission to the moon. In English we have enjoyed reading the story Man on the Moon and have retold the story both verbally and through writing. In maths we have been looking at subtraction and using the expanded column method to work out our answers.
We asked the children who would like a speaking part in the Y2/3 Christmas performance and these words have been given out this week. Please could you help your child to practise their words in a 'storyteller's voice?'
Next week
We will be continuing with our Neil Armstrong theme and will be writing leaflets to advertise trips to the moon!
In maths we will be starting to look at repeated addition in preparation for our work on multiplication.
Other Information
We will send the children home with their PE kits today. All children need to have a pair of shorts, a t-shirt and a pair of trainers/plimsolls. As it is getting colder then the children can wear a pair of jogging bottoms of they wish. We would also like the girls to have a pair of socks in their bag so they don't have to wear their tights.
If possible we would like the children to wear a Christmas jumper for our Christmas performances and maybe Christmassy headgear! Please could these be brought to school in a named bag by Tuesday 10th December.
We have noticed that some children still aren't changing their reading books as regularly as we would like. We aim to try and hear these children during the day so please can you make sure that they have their book at school most days?
We often have issues in the mornings where children are saying that they don't like the meal choices and then get upset when we say that they need to choose something. It would be really helpful, and save time, if the children could make their decision before they come to school.